
Wine And Aspirin May Fight Abnormal Cancer-Causing Cells

14th January 2014

A red wine ingredient and aspirin may deliver a double knock-out blow to abnormal cells that can lead to cancer, research suggests. Both help to destroy “tetraploid” cells that contain multiple copies of chromosomes, the packages of DNA and protein in which the genetic code is written. Tetraploid cells cause genetic instability and have been linked to the development of cancer. In tests, laboratory mice genetically engineered to have bowel cancer accumulated fewer of the rogue cells in their guts when fed the wine compound and painkiller. Exposure to the two agents also reduced the survival of tetraploid cells in human bowel cancer tumour cultures. The wine extract, resveratrol, is derived from red grapes and said to have antioxidant and anti-cancer properties. Aspirin, though primarily [More…]

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