Principles of COSHH

This course complements the Health & Safety programme and it is strongly recommended that students should already hold the certificate prior to the course. The course is aimed at those who use substance hazardous to health at work and introduces students to the hazards associated with those substances, the risks and controls available and what to expect from a COSHH assessment.

Successful completion will prepare students to look carefully at their own work activities and contribute to the safer use of hazardous substances in co-operation with their managers and supervisors.

The course covers the following subjects;

  • Definition and types of substances hazardous to health in the workplace.
  • Health effects of hazardous substances and their causes
  • COSHH assessments and control options.
  • Responsibilities imposed by the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations.

Course Duration
4 hours

Course size
Maximum course size 20 people.

A multiple-choice question paper

Certificates are provided on successful completion of the course.

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