Emergency First Response Instructor Course
During the Emergency First Response Instructor course, you will build on your skill as an Emergency Responder and focus on developing your instructional abilities to teach these skills to others. The Instructor course provides you with the additional training necessary to teach the Emergency First Response Primary Care (CPR), Secondary Care (First Aid) and Care for Children courses.
Region-specific courses including First Aid at Work Asia Pacific and First Aid at Work Great Britain require additional training.
Through a multi-media approach of independent study, classroom sessions and practical teaching assignments, you learn to conduct Emergency First Response courses.
The instructor course covers specific goals and performance requirements for the Primary Care, Secondary Care and Care for Children courses, along with instruction on how to structure learning, the requirements of performance-based training, and your role as the instructor in the learning environment. You also learn how to motivate students, evaluate student knowledge, present course content effectively, become proficient in developing students’ hands-on skills practice sessions, and are taught how to present an effective scenario-based learning experience.
To enter the Emergency First Response Instructor course, you must be 18 years old and have completed EFR Primary and Secondary Care training (or qualifying training) in the past 24 months or be a practicing medical professional such as a physician, Emergency Medical Technician, Paramedic and Registered Nurse.
Notes for OWSI Instructor Candidates
Effective March 2009, all PADI Instructor candidates must be current Emergency First Response Instructors (or hold a qualifying rating) before their IDC/IE paperwork can be processed.
- A check in the box on the revised Instructor Certificate of Completion indicating that the candidate already has the EFR Instructor credential;
- Documentation of a current CPR and first aid instructor credential from another organization; or
- An EFR Instructor Application sent in with the IDC/IE paperwork to indicate that the candidate just completed the program.
Look for the revised Instructor Certificate of Completion form on the www.padimembers.com
EFR Instructor Prerequisite Standards Change
PADI update March 2010. Since child and infant primary care skills are mastered during the EFR Instructor course, the Care for Children provider level course is no longer a prerequisite for this course, but continues to be highly recommended.
EFR Instructor prerequisite are:
- EFR Primary and Secondary Care (or qualifying training) within the past 24 months.
- 18 years old.