Release date for Health and Safety Statistics 2013/14
The annual Health and Safety Statistics release will be on Wednesday 29 October 2014.
The Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations underwent a legal change on 1st October 2013. As a consequence, many of the published RIDDOR statistics for the latest year (2013/14) will be affected. As the change took effect half-way through the 2013/14 planning year, any impacts will broadly be half that expected for a full year. Briefly, these changes will affect statistics of:
- Non-fatal injuries to workers. The previous ‘major’ injury definition changed to ‘specified’ injury; although the separate ‘over-7-day’ injury category did not change in 2013 (it changed in 2012), there may also be a small knock-on effect to the statistics of this classification.
- Fatal injuries to non-workers – the requirement to report suicides on railways has been removed.
- Defined ‘Dangerous Occurrences’, and ‘Gas Incidents’ which result in non-fatal injury.
The forthcoming release will highlight the effect of these changes, if relevant. Please see the summary of the new reporting requirements for ‘RIDDOR 2013’.
Recent releases –
Two sets of statistics were released by HSE on 2 July: