Too Many Hours Sitting Increases Risk of Breast Cancer

Weight control and exercise are two steps that can significantly lower your risk of breast cancer. So it’s not surprising that too much sitting, which is associated with both weight gain and lack of exercise, could increase your risk of cancer. You might be surprised, however, just how strong the association is.

According to research presented at a conference of the American Institute for Cancer Research, too much sitting and lack of physical activity lead to 49,000 cases of breast cancer a year. Separate research found that people who sat for 11 hours a day or more were 40 percent more likely to die from any cause.

Even those whose job required sitting for six or more hours a day gained an average of 17 pounds after just one year. This is a problem for cancer risk for multiple reasons, as fat deposits:

  • Are the main source of estrogen after menopause, and estrogen promotes the growth of certain cancers
  • May act as reservoirs for cancer-causing toxins (from food and the environment) in your body
  • May increase your levels of insulin and insulin-like growth factor, which promotes tumor development
  • Produce hormones called adipokines, which may stimulate or inhibit cell growth
  • Increase the production of the hormone leptin, which may promote cell proliferation
  • Are associated with chronic low-level inflammation, which increases your risk of cancer
  • May have direct and indirect effects on tumor growth regulators
  • May cause alterations to your immune system along with oxidative stress to your body

Even aside from weight gain, however, sitting for too long is still associated with health risks. One study found that cancer risk increased with each two-hour increase in people’s sitting time per day, even if they also exercised. Other research found that women who did not exercise regularly and sat for long periods had a 94 percent higher risk of premature death (and men had a 48 percent higher risk). According to the American Cancer Society:

“Did you know that sitting for 6 or more hours daily can elevate your chances of dying from cancer and other major diseases – even if you maintain a healthy weight and don’t smoke?”

The solution is simple: get moving as much as possible. This includes regular exercise – walking, jogging, kickboxing, swimming – as well as movement all throughout your day. As much as possible, stand instead of sit and move instead of sitting still. The American Cancer Society recommends the following to add more activity to your day:

  • Take the stairs when you can
  • Exercise at lunchtime
  • Visit co-workers in person instead of e-mailing
  • Walk or bike when running personal errands
  • Stand up, stretch, walk or lift hand weights while you’re in the office
  • When driving, stop every two hours to walk or do a quick mini-workout

From CNCA Health

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